Statement from Hastings Independents

The Hastings Independents movement is being built here in Hastings, and is focused on what we can do to make our part of the world a better place to live and work. We are open to working with everyone who lives and/or works in Hastings and St Leonards as we look to address some of the key issues affecting our town.

We believe that everyone deserves:

· To live in a safe, warm, home.

· A secure job that pays a living wage.

· A proper social safety net that provides support when needed.

· Respect and tolerance.

· To live free from violence, harassment or intimidation.

· Access to quality education or training.

· Opportunities for cultural, sports and leisure pursuits.

We believe that politics is broken and that the existing political parties do not go far enough to support everyone in our society. We believe that there are many people in our town who do not fit within the confines of a particular political party, but who have the skills, time, vision and enthusiasm needed to be great local representatives. We want to promote equality and fairness and to engage in participatory democracy within our vibrant local communities and believe that Hastings Borough Council is better off run by the best people for the job – not just people willing to jump through the hoops of political parties and controlled by regional or national political agendas.

February 11, 2024

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